E = MC2
Energy and Matter
Quantum Physics
Tells Us that All Matter
is Energy and it Cannot be Destroyed —
Energy Can Only be
Enhanced, Diminished,
Changed, Transfigured or Transformed
The Ultimate and Key Example in History is When
Transfigured from Physical Man-Christ-Divine
on Earth to
Christ-Lord-King of
Heaven on Earth
~As the NEW Archetypal Energy for
Heaven on Earth~
A Paradise Recovered
from the Fall of Adam and Eve into the Devil's
Domain through the Hand of
the Serpent
and into Sin or "Error" of our Soul that Moved Out
Righteous or — Right
Use — of Existence
Paradise Lost
Paradise Recovered
With Christ We Are
Delivered from
Satan and Sin~
Creating a Breakthrough and Higher Energy
Transformation for God's Will on Earth
Direct through our Sanctified
Consciousness —
with the Corresponding Reality of Immortality
of Humans on Paradise Earth to Take
it All Higher
The Lord's Prayer Says it All
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me"
John 14
The Direct Channel to God Unhindered by Sin and the
Consequent Conquering of Death on Earth
“For the
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal
life through Jesus Christ our Lord” – Romans 6:23
"Made in the Image
of God" ~
Quantum Physics Also Tells Us that we Create
our World through Ideas and Concepts
that are Then Formed
into Matter
We, and All Creation are Created Forms
in the Mind of God~
Who is The Source of All Energy,
Matter and Creation
[Genesis 1]
Authentic Reality is Human in a Connected
Reality with Soul Obedient to God
or our OverSoul
The Wisdom Texts of the Ancient Vedas of India
~the "Upanishads"~ Tell Us:
"Atman is Brahman" or Soul is God
and HUMANS are the Invoking Agent for the
Mind of God or Life on Earth
"Hu" in Sanskrit means to "Invoke God"
and "Man" means Mind
Now We Understand Why Dr Alexis Carrel Said:
"Prayer is one of the most powerful forms
of energy man can generate "
Did God Create the
All Angels of God (Source) are Prime Concepts
or Realities for Our Reality on Earth
For Example, the Archangel Michael is the Prime Concept
or Reality for EXCELLENCE and Superhuman VIRTUE
Lucifer, the Most
Beautiful and One of the Highest Angels of God
Became Prideful and Rebelled through Free Will
Against God for Wanting to be God
As Pride is Not a Virtue, Lucifer and the Rebellious
Followers (Angels) were Hurled Out of Heaven
by the Archangel Michael
And So the ARCH
CONCEPT of EVIL or Satan Itself
Entered our Reality Prior to Adam and Eve
And Also Created Our Free-Will to Choose in an
"Either OR" Reality
Good and Evil -- Our DUAL Reality
Where the Stakes are Now High for the Reality
or End-Game of Our Soul
Hell or Heaven
Satan (the Deceiver) vs. God and His Humanity
Slavery, Tyranny
and a Wasted, Unfulfilling
Life to the Devil's Desires, Thoughts,
Influence, Actions, Deceptions,
Lustful Passions,
Deeds and Sins in Us
[ The
Seven Deadly Sins — on
Your Soul —
that Block You
from Heaven ]
with the End-Game of the Reality of the Infernal Hell—
Devil's Abode and the Ultimate Arch Reality
of the Anti-Life Suffocating and Oppressive
All Become a Reality Collapsing Totally In on
Itself IN YOU through the Reality of
Torment and Torture of
Your Own Mistakes!
Liberty Through the Spirit of Jesus that Embodies
Moral Law, Conscience and Obedience
to God in a Light-Filled and
Fulfilling Life
Through One's Own Individual, World-Turning
God-Given Full Potential
with the End-Game of our Prepared Place in
Heaven and on Earth with God—
Source & Bliss of ALL FULL Potential
Creative Realities
Sacred Geometry
"As Above [in Heaven], So Below [on Earth]"
The Way, The Truth and The Life
the Obedience or Parameters of God's
Universe All We Have is the
Satanic Matrix Built on
and Through
the Usurocracy
Moving Earth to
10.0 2 is Defeating Evil Through
Our Christ-Chosen Reality
At Evil's Own Arch Level that Moves
Deceives Peoples to Wars
and Destruction
though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh.
/ The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the flesh. Instead,
they have divine power to demolish strongholds. / We demolish arguments
and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take
captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"
2 Corinthians
How to Choose a Christ-Chosen Reality
as the Arch Concept of Heaven
in Yourself
"Born Again"
The Basic Framework:
by Dr. Charles Stanley
Instead of Church
Can Also Self-Study
and Pray the Miracle Prayer Every Day
Movie of Interest ["Nefarious"] of the
Devil's Dialogue Inside
of You as We Exist in the Arch Reality of EVIL
Asking for Reinforcements from Our
Divine Family
Prayer is the Weapon
And Its Strong Component of Fasting
The Power of Catholic Prayer
The California Fires
Vibration and Frequency is Everything!
Parasites and Demons
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Action for
Dislodging THEM from Our World
CRIMES Against Children are UNACCEPTABLE
Through Their
Usurocracy They Created the
Matrix for
a Fallen World that is Anti-God, Anti-Life,
Anti-Liberty, Anti-Child and
Total Militarism
Key Actions Pre
and Post WHEN
1) Fasting and Prayer;
1) Process for Practicing Colonial Script;
2) Eliminate Homelessness, Poverty, Malnutrition,
and Disease through the
of Human Needs ;
TLC Villages to Replace Slums and Tent Cities
Life Abundant for All on a ZERO TOXIC Planet :
companies-practices-toxic technology on the Planet;
Engaging in and Instituting Natural Solutions
the Right Use of the Earth
MOVE to create through
THE VISION parameters ;